The Security Technology Alliance announces the hire of Louis F. Quijas as Senior Vice President, Str
The Security Technology Alliance (STA) hires former Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for The Office for State and Local Law Enforcement Louis F. Quijas to build the alliance’s global capability.
ARLINGTON, VA, November 20, 2013 - The Security Technology Alliance (STA) formally announces the hire of former Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for The Office for State and Local Law Enforcement, Mr. Louis F. Quijas, to the position of Senior Vice President, Strategic Ventures. The STA is a group of innovative, high-growth technology companies from New Zealand that have combined forces to deliver industry-leading security technology to US government, contractors, and commercial markets.
The STA delivers advanced solutions for managing criminal intelligence, cyber security, mission critical communications and physical security. The alliance members provide specialist solutions to solve critical security challenges for Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), law enforcement and intelligence, and emergency response and recovery.
Mr. Quijas will promote the STA’s global capability and says that New Zealand is already recognized and respected for the important contribution its companies make internationally to the sector.
“Collectively, the Security Technology Alliance offering is world-class and I am delighted to join this forward-thinking organization.” says Mr. Quijas. “New Zealand has an important role to play globally in disrupting trans-national crime and corruption, and the STA provides a platform for global markets to leverage alternative technology options.”
Mr. Quijas has an impressive background, having served as Assistant Secretary for the Office for State and Local Law Enforcement (OSLLE) for the Department of Homeland Security; President at Datong Electronics; Assistant Director at the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and Chief of Police for High Point, North Carolina.
Wynyard Group Managing Director Craig Richardson says “Louis has first-rate credentials in law enforcement and security. We’re proud to have him on board.”